Claustrophobic thriller starring Katharina Sporrer

Will anyone free The Girl In The Trunk?

James Whittington
Friday, May 31, 2024

Strap in, and let the enigmatic thriller take you for a ride. Starring Caspar Phillipson (Jackie, Blonde) and Katharina Sporrer (Genius), and written and directed by Jonas Kvist Jensen, The Girl In The Trunk is a tight tense thriller will leave you on the edge of your seat.

A woman finds herself kidnapped and entrapped in the enclosed space of a speeding car’s trunk, wearing her wedding dress, and with her phone as the only available tool. The situation deteriorates gradually as a failed escape attempt costs the life of an innocent bystander.

With the clock ticking towards a slow death from heat exhaustion in the Texas desert, a psychotic kidnapper at the wheel, Amanda is forced to make her own luck in the end. A dangerous game of questions and deadly consequences – to be played over the phone with the mysterious kidnapper – seems the only way to maybe discover his true identity, getting help or simply fighting her painful way towards a fleeting chance of escape.

The Girl In The Trunk is available now on Digital Download in the UK & Ireland and USA & Canada.